NDT – Phils., Inspection Services Corporation



Dolphitech is recognized worldwide for high-quality and high-definition ultrasonic Non-destructive testing products, utilizing unbeatable matrix imaging technology to inspect and detect damage, degradation, and defects in mission-critical assets across various industries.
Dolphitech provides a cutting-edge digital inspection platform, providing significant user-friendly improvements in image interpretation, data insights, and usability. This enables our customers to achieve measurable quality, efficiency, and cost improvements across their critical inspection needs. The dolphitech technology is used to effectively inspect a range of materials in a broad spectrum of applications across numerous industries including aerospace, defense, energy, space, marine and automotive industries.
Contact us to arrange for a specific application, presentation or demonstration. You can explore more about Dolphitech array of products and capabilities from dolphitech.com


Jennings Anodes is a reputable supplier of high quality anodes and corrosion control products in the United States. With decades of experience in the industry, they have earned a reputation for delivering exceptional products and customer service. Their comprehensive range of anodes and corrosion control products are used in various industries, including oil and gas, marine, offshore, utilities, electrochemical and infrastructure.
Jennings Anodes Asia Pacific authrized NDT-Phils Inspection Services Corp. (NDTPI) as the authorized distributor for Cathodic Protection products in the Philippines.
Contact us to arrange for a specific application, presentation or demonstration. You can explore more about Jennings Anodes products and capabilities from jenningsanodes.com

the Phased Array Company

TPAC specializes in ultrasonic non-destructive testing, designing systems for diverse industrial sectors to assess product and asset integrity. From aerospace and metallurgy to nuclear, automotive, and railway industries, TPAC operates in sensitive sectors where even the slightest crack or trace of corrosion can have dramatic consequences. TPAC develops ultrasonic testing devices and software for inspection during manufacturing and maintenance—a process similar to medical ultrasound but applied to the industrial field. TPAC manufactures its portfolio in-house prioritizing compactness, high performance, versatility, and modularity. This range of solutions can be tailored to suit individual client needs, whether for manual inspection or seamless integration with robotic systems. The company’s engineers combine and modify components and software to create bespoke tools perfectly suited to specific projects and requirements. Over the past 25 years, the company has earned the trust of clients such as Airbus, Siemens, Boeing, Toyota, EDF, as well as research institutions like CNRS. Contact us to arrange for a specific application, presentation or demonstration. You can explore more about The Phased Array Company products and capabilities from thephasedarraycompany.com


TesTex, Incorporated was founded in 1987 and is a leading provider of electromagnetic NDT systems and services. TesTex is a full service non-destructive testing (NDT) company pioneering the development and use of NDT systems for the inspection of both ferrous and non-ferrous components.
The non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques employed by TesTex are special applications of electromagnetics and include:
•Remote Field Electromagnetic Technique (RFET), which was developed by TesTex in 1988
•Low Frequency Electromagnetic Technique (LFET), which was developed by TesTex in 1992
•Eddy Current Technique
•Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS)
•Balanced Field Electromagnetic Technique
•Near Field Electromagnetics
TesTex non-destructive testing (NDT) systems are based on innovative designs that use Digital Signal Processing (DSP) chip technology. For these applications, TesTex utilizes the latest technology in chips, computers, software, signal processing and 3-D display.
Contact us to arrange for a specific application, presentation or demonstration. You can explore more about TesTex products and capabilities from testex-ndt.com testex-ndt.com


Since 1989, when Innerspec engineers designed a complete system for the inspection of the booster rockets of the space shuttle, we can claim more first-of-a-kind NDT developments than any company in our industry. Innerspec pioneered commercial applications of Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMAT) in the mid-90s becoming the world leader in this technology with hundreds of systems installed worldwide. More recently, Innerspec have added conventional Phased Array UT, Eddy Current, and Laser Measurement techniques to provide our customers with all their advanced NDT testing needs. Innerspec is headquartered in Forest, Virginia (USA) and Madrid (Spain) with an unmatched team of researchers, development engineers, customer support specialists, and technicians dedicated to designing and supporting our advanced ultrasonic equipment and services. Our offices in America, Europe, China, Mexico, and the Middle East along with representatives around the globe provide commercial and technical support with factory-trained personnel.
Contact us to arrange for a specific application, presentation or demonstration. You can explore more about Innerspec products and capabilities from innerspec.com